Dawn unto dusk, dusk unto dawn.

Executive Summary

Intrepid Shape is a full stack developer and entrepreneur who is developing an app called Be Log, which is designed to help people make the most of their days and never waste a moment. Be Log is a powerful tool that uses analytics, user feedback, and competitive research to provide users with an intuitive, user-friendly experience. Be Log will provide users with detailed insights into their lives, help them recognize and stop repeating mistakes, and provide them with the metrics to make more informed decisions.


Many people find themselves feeling overwhelmed by their lives, unable to keep track of their tasks and goals, and unable to recognize and stop repeating their mistakes.


Be Log provides an easy-to-use platform that helps people stay organized and make the most of their days. Be Log’s intuitive user interface, analytics, user feedback, and competitive research, helps users track and log their lives, identify and stop repeating mistakes, and make more informed decisions.


Be Log’s target market consists of people ages 18-35 who are looking for a tool to help them make the most of their days and never waste a moment. This includes people from all walks of life, from busy students to overworked professionals.


Be Log has no direct competitors, but there are several products on the market that offer similar features, such as task-tracking and goal-setting apps.

Revenue Model

Be Log will use a freemium revenue model, with a basic version of the app being free and a premium version available for a monthly subscription fee. Users can can upgrade to the premium version at any time. The premium version includes additional features, such as AI powered suggestions, more activites to do within the app, and more analytics.


I am the sole founder and developer of Be Log. I am a full stack developer and entrepreneur with a passion for creating meaningful work and helping people reach their goals.

Business Plan

Be Log will be developed in stages. The first stage will focus on creating the basic version of the app, including the user interface, analytics, user feedback, and competitive research. The second stage will focus on creating the premium version of the app, with additional features and a monthly subscription fee. The third stage will focus on marketing, including search engine optimization, social media campaigns, and paid advertising.


Be Log is an innovative app that is designed to help people make the most of their days and never waste a moment. Be Log’s intuitive user interface, analytics, user feedback, and competitive research, will help users track and log their lives, recognize and stop repeating mistakes, and make more informed decisions. Be Log has no direct competitors and will use a freemium revenue model to generate revenue. Be Log will be developed in stages, with a focus on creating the basic version of the app, creating the premium version of the app, and marketing.