About me

Hi, I'm Intrepid Shape! I'm a full stack developer and entrepreneur who is currently working on an app that I'm excited to share with the world. I'm currently looking for alpha testers who can help me find the perfect product/market fit.

I'm passionate about creating meaningful work and helping people reach their goals. I'm motivated by the idea of using technology to make life easier and more enjoyable.

I'm also a big fan of keeping a healthy balance in life. I'm grateful for the people around me and the opportunities I'm given. I'm also grateful for the tools available to me that make development easier. I'm a big believer in scheduling and time management, and I try to take time for myself to relax and enjoy life.

I'm always striving to improve, both in my personal life and my work. I try to learn from my mistakes and use that knowledge to create better products. I'm also always looking for ways to increase my productivity and stay focused on my goals.

Overall, I'm passionate about creating meaningful work and helping people reach their goals. I'm an enthusiastic learner and I'm always looking for ways to improve. I'm excited to see where this journey takes me and I'm looking forward to connecting with alpha testers who share these same values.